Code Blitz

As I had mentioned [earlier](/2006/07/09/california/), since finishing up at school and getting settled here in California, I’ve been keeping busy with several undertakings of my own design. One such activity was getting further work done on my [miscellaneous projects](/projects/misc/). Nothing too significant, mostly just house-keeping and some polishing-up, but that doesn’t mean it can’t still be exciting!

CTBadge: Some minor tweaks, now the badges generated are *very* nearly identical. First change was to the character alignment, it turns out in fact that Apple aligns their text without the help of NSParagraphStyle. The second change(s) were to the badge gradient, now the colors are darker, and the gradient’s progressions and angles match their corresponding “official” badge (yes, there are different angles for different badges).

CTGradient: Knocked a few items off of my [list](/2006/01/15/gradients-in-cocoa/). The big addition is added support for beautiful chromatic blends! (I’m excited, aren’t you?). In order to celebrate I also hacked out a delightful new icon which I should be adding (sooner or later) to my icon [collection](/projects/icons/).

Aside from that I threw in some new gradient styles (Sourcelist enabled/disabled, Rainbow, and best of all, [Hydrogen]( What’s more, I added other things like a few colorstop methods (and a bug fix)… but you weren’t interested in those, now, were you?


WWDC 2005
Back in April I submitted my application for Apple’s [student scholarship]( to [WWDC]( Later last month I got word that I’d been selected. Over the weekend I made [hotel]( reservations for me and a [friend](

I remember having a smashing time at last year’s conference. There were a number of sessions which piqued my interest, a few which I had to miss (and hope to make up for this time around). Throughout the whole week there was rarely a lack of discusion, what with the whole Intel transition thing going down, but most importantly, that week at WWDC let me sit back and focus on mac development (which had been the first time in a while), it let me jumpstart the personal projects that I had left waiting in the wings, and allowed me gain the momentum I needed to continue those projects months after. My only regret is that this year I’ll be attending at the closing of the summer as opposed to the opening of the same.

…So this August expect me to be in San Francisco. If you expect to be thereabouts as well go ahead and [drop](/about) me a line.


In keeping with tradition I will once again make another terribly delayed post…

About a month and a half ago I got out of school and began my summer in earnest. As with last year, I made my way to sunny California and to another internship in the Bay Area. Since then I have managed to stay fairly busy both with work and also with several other things, which I hope to write about later. Needless to say, I’ve been enjoying myself thus far, and don’t see that changing anytime soon.

Here are a few pictures from my journey out to the west coast:

traveling photo traveling photo traveling photo
traveling photo traveling photo traveling photo
traveling photo traveling photo traveling photo
traveling photo traveling photo traveling photo